Taxonomic list T2, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

divisio capitis

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Top level divisio partis principalis corporis humani Short Extended
Level 2 divisio capitis Short Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
24218 8593
divisio capitis
division de la tête
24728 52 part
54393 13427
divisio faciei T3 41 children
division de la face
54545 14157 part
caput proprium
tête propre
58817 14158
divisio capitis proprii T3 89 children
division de la tête propre
5 items
Scientific notes
Type of list T2
List Unit Identifier 8593
Sublist 1 13427 divisio faciei 41/30 on 30.5.2024
Sublist 2 14158 divisio capitis proprii 89/40 on 16.10.2024
Subtotals subchildren 130 subunits 70
Proper children 4
Number of children 134 (validated)
Proper units 3
Number of units 73 (validated)
Signature 4283 (validated since 16.10.2024)
Date: 30.12.2024